Japanese widget Bloglue

Japan widget Bloglue

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In Accessories.Display of widgets in order of popularity.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 1st place  Valentine
Here's a cute Valentine's widget. Click on the present box and a window appears with a heart shape, letters of the alphabet and a strawberry. Drag letters onto the heart shape like blackboard to create a message. To return to the original widget, click on the strawberry.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 2nd place  Blog Sidebar
Blog Sidebar
Blog Sidebar is an incredibly practical widget for blogs when you want to add extra content in your sidebar, but it is too full. The instructions are mostly in Japanese, but don't let that stop you from using it! Setup is simple. Background: choose the sidebar's background color. Textcolor: no explanation needed. Slidespeed: sliding speed of sidebar. From top to bottom, slow to fast. Tabtitle: name and add tabs. Tabcontents: paste the code for the widget/content that you want to add to the tab. After entering this information, click the button on the very bottom of the page. This will reset the code of this widget. Finally, copy the code you see and paste it to your blog or homepage. Don't forget to press that bottom button first!
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 3rd place  Rabbit Good Luck Clock Widget
Rabbit Good Luck Clock Widget
In Japan, rabbits live on the moon. Watch your lucky rabbit on the moon. Watch long enough and you'll start to see things. Oh yeah, it's also a clock. On the widget's webpage, there are lots of different rabbits to choose from.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 4th place  Furufuru
registered date2008-10-06 19:11:41
No Registration
I personally like this widget and it's gently falling stars, snow, maple leaves, and other items. Choose the item, enter password, and the objects change. On the widget webpage the password is the number in red towards the top of the page. Click on the items you want to include in the widget and then press the button on the bottom of the page. A window opens up with the code on the bottom of the page.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 5th place  Floating Bubbles
Floating Bubbles
No explanation really needed. Bubbles will float on your blog or webpage. Choose from three widgets that differ in the density of bubbles. Code is easy to spot on web page.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 6th place  Small Animal Picture Encyclopedia
Small Animal Picture Encyclopedia
If you are into small, cute animals or are learning basic Japanese, this is a great widget for you. The language is aimed towards children, so appropriate for beginner learners. Code is on bottom of widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 7th place  Colorful Spray
Colorful Spray
A cool way for you and your blog visitors to create art on your blog. Just move your mouse over the widget to create. Here's a hint, hold down your mouse's left button as you move onto the widget, then you can start spraying when you release the button. The code is simple to see on the widget's web page.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 8th place  Blog Ants
Blog Ants
Like ants? Or just like squishing them with your finger? Code is in the middle of the widget's web page.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 9th place  Cat Picture Encyclopedia
Cat Picture Encyclopedia
For cat lovers and those learning Japanese. Images of different types of cats are displayed with name and explanation. Code is on the bottom of the widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 10th place  Fireworks widget
Fireworks widget
Put this widget on your website or blog and watch fireworks randomly flash across your screen. Although the fireworks themselves are simple, the movement is quite realistic. To get the code, please go directly to this URL and click on the display for the color fireworks you want: http://blogparts.spark-atv.com/hanabi.html
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