Japanese widget Bloglue

Japan widget Bloglue

Top Rated WidgetsTop Rated Widgets

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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 131st place  Otto
registered date2008-08-29 19:48:53
No Registration
Just click on the widget's screen and each point becomes a musical note. Make music! It's kind of addictive... Widget's website is in English.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 132nd place  Pink Puzzle
Pink Puzzle
A cool pink slide puzzle game widget.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 133rd place  Hello Kitty Flash Player
Hello Kitty Flash Player
Customize your own Hello Kitty Flash Player widget on Flashwidgetz! Customize Hello Kitty's colors and choose music from your playlist. Registration is necessary.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 134th place  CountDown Baby Widget
CountDown Baby Widget
A very cute baby countdown widget. Baby is slightly interfactive. I'm not sure how or if the baby changes over time. On the widget's website, just add the frame's color ( green, pink, and orange from top to bottom) and the expected date of delivery (year, month, and day from left to right). The code automatically updates itself. Then just copy and paste to your site's HTML.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 135th place  Flower Clock Gadget
Flower Clock Gadget
A fresh nature feeling on your site, blog or profile page with this beautiful flower clock.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 136th place  Kitten Cat Name Generator
Kitten Cat Name Generator
registered date2009-05-18 12:14:11
No Registration
Looking for a name for your kitten or cyber cat? Just press the kitten and random kitten names will show up.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 137th place  Flower Clock Widget
Flower Clock Widget
This is no ordinary clock widget! Each day the color and flower changes! Also, a butterfly adds some animation by flying through your widget periodically. And of course you get the time, date, and day. Go to the widget page and copy the script in the green box in the middle of the page. That's the code.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 138th place  Game of Fish with Kanji
Game of Fish with Kanji
This is definately a game of Fish with a cool twist. You play using the Kanji characters for the most famous, or most eaten, fish in Japan. A lot of fun to play, especially to build your powers of imagination, but also as a fun way to memorize Kanji. Get the code easily on the widget's webpage. It's the one with the red button on it.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 139th place  Tease and Annoy widget
Tease and Annoy widget
The name basically speaks for itself. Tease and annoy the cute, little character with your cursor. Your cursor will be replaced by the arrow once it enters the widget frame. Turn on your sound, too, for sounds of distress. Enjoy!
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 140th place  Eenies! Cool Clock Widget
Eenies!  Cool Clock Widget
Eenies are cool cute, little, animated devils from Japan's Softbank Inc. The characters are super cute and the clock, although in Japan/Military time, is simple to read. Much like getting the code on the widget's website.
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