Japanese widget Bloglue

Japan widget Bloglue

WidgetWidget tag > J-pop

The submitted widget will be displayed with the tag [J-pop].
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i-Radio mini
registered date2008-08-29 19:26:29
No Registration
Want some J-pop on your blog? Follow these instructions: Go to the widget website and then click on the [Blogl parts] tab on the top of the page. On the next page click on the orange tab on the top left with [2.0] on it. On this page, first choose the musicians, from 1-7. Then, on the right, from top to bottom, select [女] for woman or [男] for man. Next, enter your birthdate. Then, go down and check the box next to the Japanese [「i-Radio mini 利用規約」]. (user agreement) And then press the orange button under that labeled [この内容で決定する] Finally, just copy the code that is generated and paste to your webpage. Enjoy!
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