Japanese widget Bloglue

Japan widget Bloglue

Top Rated WidgetsTop Rated Widgets

In Clocks & Calendars.Display of widgets in order of popularity.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 21st place  President Obama Date
President Obama Date
The next president of USA is Barack Obama! Place this date widget to support Barack Obama.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 22nd place  Pink Flower Clock Widget
Pink Flower Clock Widget
This is a very nice flower clock that you can use for your website, profilepage or blog. Simply copy the code & paste.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 23rd place  3 Pig Clock
3 Pig Clock
If you love pigs, then you might enjoy this clock widget. Code is easily found on the widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 24th place  World Cup Countdown Widget
World Cup Countdown Widget
The name says it all. Brought to you buy a soccer fanatic who's also a certified public tax accountant. By the way, the next World Cup will be held in South Africa.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 25th place  Rabbit Clock Widget
Rabbit Clock Widget
A very cute, very Japanese rabbit provides you with entertainment and the time. A very unique, Japanese animated rabbit. And, by the way, it's female. The animated illustrations change with the time and as you refresh. Easily spot the code on the widget's web page.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 26th place  World Clock Widget
World Clock Widget
See the date and time for three of the largest cities in the world: New York, London, and Tokyo. Just go to the widget's webpage, click on a color, click on a size, and then copy the code right to your website or blog. It's that easy. Army time is used which makes it simple to distinguish between AM and PM.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 27th place  Dance Party Clock Widget
Dance Party Clock Widget
Get some party dance time on your website, blog or profile space with this dance party clock.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 28th place  Flat Orange
Flat Orange
This clock/calendar widget's title pretty much sums it up. Not so flashy (flat) and orange. But sometimes simple is best. The code is simple to spot on the widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 29th place  Clock Welcome widget
Clock Welcome widget
This is a great intro clock with the date, you can place this widget as a welcome message for your visitors or as a date clock for your website, blog or social space.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 30th place  Dance clock widget
Dance clock widget
This is a really cool dancing clock gadget for your space, site or blog. The dancer show off with a cool street breakdancing move in a clockwork.
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