Japanese widget Bloglue

Japan widget Bloglue

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In Games.Display of widgets in order of popularity.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 1st place  Game OnBlog [Yosumin]
Game OnBlog [Yosumin]
Here's the rules: just click on the same icons in a square pattern to clear the icons inside the square. The larger the square the better. You just need to know that [ゲームスタート] means Start. Code simple to locate.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 2nd place  2 Kanji Phrase Game
2 Kanji Phrase Game
Interested or learning Kanji and like word games? Here's a great widget with all that. The goal is to match two Kanji that link into a known phrase. Very much like Go Fish, but instead of matching pictures, you match two Kanji characters. The order of the characters is not important. Getting the code is simple. You'll find it immediately on the widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 3rd place  Lights Out
Lights Out
The goal is to turn off all the lights, and this is done by clicking on a block and the surrounding connected blocks will swing around. I couldn't do it... The code is easy to find on the widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 4th place 
Care to play the slots without losing your shirt?
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 5th place  Meta Ball Shooting Game Widget
Meta Ball Shooting Game Widget
Cool game for your blog. Use the arrow keys to move up, down, left, and right and the space bar to fight. Avoid and destroy the aliens!
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 6th place  10 Second Challenge
10 Second Challenge
Here's a fun clock. Besides telling the time, this clock has a 10 second challenge. You press the black bar below the time, then click it again when [Start] appears to start the stopwatch. Then you want to click the button once you think exactly 10 seconds has passed. See how close you can get! Go to the widget's website for the code.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 7th place  Barbecue Game
Barbecue Game
The game is simple. Use your left and right arrow keys to move the skewer to catch the food in the order shown on the left screen. Continue to the next screen if you succeed. Code is easy to spot on the widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 8th place 
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 9th place 
Challenge your typing skills with this game. As blocks with letters fall, type on the letter to destroy the block. Code is simple to spot on the widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 10th place  [Puzzle It] Jigsaw Puzzle Widget
[Puzzle It] Jigsaw Puzzle Widget
A neat website that allows you to make jigsaw puzzle widgets out of uploaded images. Even if you don't upload anything, you can choose from hundreds of existing jigsaw puzzles and easily get the code for the widget. Lots of anime/manga images. Click on one you like, and look for [貼り付けコード] near the bottom of the explanation. You'll see the code there.
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