Japanese widget Bloglue

Japan widget Bloglue

Top Rated WidgetsTop Rated Widgets

In Games.Display of widgets in order of popularity.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 1st place  The Cruel Game of Life
The Cruel Game of Life
registered date2008-06-25 10:11:27
No Registration
A wacky and cruel game of chance. Play the roulette and advance through your life. Each step either ends in joy or sorrow and financial loss or gain. If you make it to the end without going bankrupt, you win.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 2nd place 
Poker on your blog. You've been waitin for this.
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Nobody could put humpty dumpty back together again...Press the arrow keys on the top right of the widget to shuffle the pieces. Press the Question Mark to temporarily see the original image. Then click on a block to move it around until you have reformed the original picture. Click on Get Me to get the code. Add your own image by adding the image's URL in the [画像 URL] field.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 4th place  Hamster Race Mini
Hamster Race Mini
Want a cute little racing game on your blog? Race a little hamster around a course using only your mouse. Enter your name (and message) to have your rank appear on the widget's website which will place your rank alongside all other users. On the widget's webpage. Enjoy!
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 5th place  Hey Zap Flash Game Widget
Hey Zap Flash Game Widget
registered date2009-01-20 11:04:15
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Put an enormous number of high quality flash games right on your blog with just one widget. Check out the site to see for yourself the wide selection. My personal favorite is Fancy Pants Adventures. My recommendation is to copy and paste the small code towards the bottom of the web page. Have Fun!
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 6th place  Pink Puzzle
Pink Puzzle
A cool pink slide puzzle game widget.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 7th place  Smash-The-Mole Game
Smash-The-Mole Game
Here's a cute, well-known game from Japan. Press the start button, grab your wooden mallet and smash away. But remember, only hit the purplish 'bad' moles. Code is simple to grab from the widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 8th place  Rabbit Reversi for busy people
Rabbit Reversi for busy people
Reversi using black and white rabbits. The widget is nicely designed and unobtrusive. Get the code right from Bloglue.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 9th place  2 Kanji Phrase Game
2 Kanji Phrase Game
Interested or learning Kanji and like word games? Here's a great widget with all that. The goal is to match two Kanji that link into a known phrase. Very much like Go Fish, but instead of matching pictures, you match two Kanji characters. The order of the characters is not important. Getting the code is simple. You'll find it immediately on the widget's webpage.
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Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote 10th place  UFO Dynamic Vision Training Game
UFO Dynamic Vision Training Game
registered date2009-05-18 12:49:04
No Registration
Test and train your dynamic vision and memory with this game. Remember how many different kinds of unidentified flying objects flash across your screen. Can you do it? On the widget's webpage, select the widget color and get the code.
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