Japanese widget Bloglue

Japan widget Bloglue

WidgetWidget tag > movie

The submitted widget will be displayed with the tag [movie].
Vote with a clickLet's votingLet's votingLet's votingLet's vote Handsome Suit Animated Widget
Handsome Suit Animated Widget
Here is a perfect example of how nutty Japanese widgets can be. And all just to promote a movie. A little animated white critter (ghost?) pops out from behind the widget and tells you to click on it. Click! He'll then run around and you are supposed to catch him by clicking on him and dragging him over to the top of the widget. Then you'll see some different images of beautiful women and roses. And the picture also changes to a 'handsome' star. All in all, it's just fun playing with the little critter. The code is towards the bottom of the widget's web page. Enjoy!
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