Japanese widget Bloglue

Japan widget Bloglue

WidgetWidget tag > piano

The submitted widget will be displayed with the tag [piano].
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Yamaha Electronic Piano
If you want a creative way to make music on your blog page, get this widget! Get the instrument on your sidebar, or a larger version. The instructions are in Japanese, but getting the code is simple. Go to the right page by immediately going here: http://blog.music-eclub.com/laboblog/2007/12/post_14.php Then just copy the code found towards the middle of the page. For the smaller sidebar instrument, copy the code that has these characters above it: ★ブログサイドバー用(ファイルサイズ:66KB 表示サイズ:170px*504px. For the larger instrument, locate these characters ★大き目サイズ(ファイルサイズ:117KB 表示サイズ:450px*235px) and get the code below it. Have fun making music!
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